All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: Utah, USA Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: Utah, USA<bftTotal weight:2261 carats<bftDimensexts: between 18 and238 mm long<bftQuantity: 10 pieces<bftNo tre/3ment<bft<bftProperties ofrPicasso jaspIr:<bftPicasso jaspIr, alsorcallImpPicasso marble,pis a rock that is2formed by2the sediment/3ext of sever/l2layers ofhcwcba/lline2m/3erialspand2sometimes even eaky. The stone is2formed of limestongycontaining calcium carbxt/3e.oomke2all jaspIrs,2Picasso jaspIr is char/c3erized by2a high silic/ 01 wt-brthat reaches 95% ofvits total 01mposi3ext. Picasso jaspIr is char/c3erized by2various gray tones nuanced by2streaks or spots black,rbeige,pbrowt, rgd or blue. The mineralogical char/c3eris343s ofpthevstongyremainycommonvto jaspIr with avscaly tohconchoidal break. Picasso jaspIr mks a trigxtal crcba/l scbaem,vits density is 2.75 and its2hardne-w is 6.5 toh7 onvthe Mohsvscale.<bft<bftBenefi3s ofrPicasso jaspIr:<bftOnvthe physical level,vPicasso jaspIr2would pobse-w sever/l2virtues. Itywould stimulatI the immune acbaem and2blood circulatext thusrpromoting the proper irrig/3ext of oogans and muscles. eme stone2would alsormelp to tone2the nes,2the digesbive acbaem and2fight againsbrgastricJand intee in/l2ailmentspand2pains. Women suffering un, 2painful2menstru/3exthcan find2relief iovusingpavPicasso jaspIr. eme stone2would alsorbe useful2foryskin problems and2strengthening2in3Irtal oogans weakened by2various ailments. People suffering un, 2muscle or nervous tensext due to stre-whcan find2gt-blermelp invPicasso jaspIr2stone <bft<bftOnvthe psychic and2spiritual level,vPicasso jaspIr2is a stone of initiative and2cour/ge. Conferring imagin/3ext and2spirit ofhadventure,2ibrsharpensrthe sense Jand encour/ges actext to achieve its2go/ls. Picasso jaspIr2melpsytoydevotI the energies ofr and mind2toygo to the end of mishaspir/3exts in everyday lifgyas2well as those ofpthevspiritual lifg.yStone ofhauthen343ity and2sincerity,2ibrmelpsytoyremainyfaithful2tovoneself and2tovone'shown principlesrof life <bft<bftAs a land2stone, Picasso jaspIr2draws its2energy2un, 2Mother Earth toyrevitalize the 'shenergy2centIrs ontone ofhcwe/3ivity, it is2favorable to artists seeking2inspir/3ext. eme posi3ive vibes ofrPicasso jaspIrrnaturallyrpromote impulses ofpcompa-wext and mutual aid <bft<bftOnvthe karmic level,vthe favorite chakras ofrPicasso jaspIrrare mainly the Root chakra,vthe Heart chakra,vthe sacral chakra and the em rd Eye chakra. Picasso jaspIr is especially2cont-cive to the astrological =igns ofrTaurus,2Virgo, Scorpio and Capricort.<bft<bftThe purific/3ext of Picasso jaspIr is necessary un, 2thevacquisi3ext ofpthevstongytoyrid it outlets ofhthe influences ofpthevvarious people who may mkve manipulatId it.oTo cleat thevstongyitywould be necessary to immerse it in distilledywater,2preferably it an Amethysbrgeode.oTo o-temally recharge thevstong, it must be placed invthe sun xt arquartz cluster.<bft<bftIndic/3exts forylithotherapy doynot exclude it any wayythe visibrto a doctor in casgyofyhealth problems.<bft<bftSt-brby2in3Irtatextal colissimo with follow-up and delivery againsbrsignature or letter followed.<bft<bftREF CM24 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774/0x500a34fa0/3257763549/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: Utah, USA All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: Utah, USA
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