Navy Blue Bridesmaid Bouquet, Wedding Flowers, Can be customized to match your outlets wedding colors
Bridesmaid's brooch bouquet!
The bouquet features many rhinestone and pearl embellishments on white silk flowers. It was customized for a bride to match her navy blue wedding theme. The navy blue centers can be changed to match your wedding colors as well.
The handle is finished using satin ribbon with a rhinestone band and navy blue accents.
This bouquet is available in several sizes. The prices are as follows:
5" bouquet - $65.00
6" bouquet - $72.00
7" bouquet - $85.00
It is available with either white or ivory silk flowers.
We offer complete coordinating bridal packages including a larger brides bouquet, coordinating boutonnieres (starting at $15.00 each) , wrist corsages, corsages, flower girl baskets and much more.
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