YOKO WICKER BASKET is a one of a kind handbag entirely made by hand using wicker and natural leather. With attention to the smallest detail. It is an excellent proposition for modern women.
It is a medium-sized handbag with a narrow strap that allows you to easily carry it over your shoulder. Thanks to its form, it will be perfect for everyday use, as well as for special occasions. It will become your best friend.
MATERIAL: wicker, leather
LINING: no lining
DIMENTIONS: HIGHT: 16 cm, WIDTH: 21 cm, DEPTH: 10 cm
CLOSURE: magnet under the flap
2 STRAPS: 135 cm leather and extra 135 cm chain + leather
Check other colours:
https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1293204068/yoko-wicker-basket-bag-in-beige?click_key=afc53e646c5d794136db21922306bfc7055829d7%3A1293204068&click_sum=7d698b2f&ref=shop_home_active_3&frs=1&sts=1 outlets
Product code: YOKO Wicker Handmade outlets Basket Bag in Brown