Mint Green Cream Cascading Bouquet Satin Rose Brooch Bouquet Keepsake Bouquet Crystal Jewelry Bridesmaids outlets Bouquet Teardrop Gatsby Bouquet
High Quality:This wedding bouquet is purely handmade with luxury satin roses,rhinestones brooches and ribbon.It could last much longer time than fresh flowers.
Perfect Bridal Bouquet:Diameter:7"/18CM and Height: 10"/26CM. The size is big enough and perfect for wedding bridal bouquet to show the beauty, nobleness and elegance of the bride.
Exquisite Design Wedding Holding Flower:The handle of this flower bouquet is wrapped with elegant lace and decorated with beads and rhinestone,Elegant and gorgeous to match wedding dresses and most wedding theme party.
Suitable for: Can be use on the wedding day the bride wedding and studio photographs, costumes, etc. Great for prom, weddings,party,church,costumes, pew bows, reception centerpieces, etc.
Note: This listing is for tan brown and cream color,if you want other colors mixed,please leave note in your order,thank you! outlets