Delicate Silver Bouquet, Cascade Brooch Bouquet, Full Rhinestones outlets Wedding Bouquet, Jewelry Wedding Teardrop Princess Style Bridal Bouquet
This wedding bouquet size is Diameter:18cm/7 inch. High :24cm/9 inch.
Material: The wedding bouquet is made of silk flowers, Ribbon, Rhinestones. The materials are eco-friendly, please rest assured. The ribbon of this bridal bouquet is very soft and rhinestones are shiny.
Handmade: The delicate handle of this bridal bouquet is wrapped in soft satin ribbon and decorated with sparkling Rhinestones. All these are handmade to guarantee the quality.
Customize:The design of this wedding bouquet is modern and fashion. More roses make the wedding bouquet more beautiful and elegant. If you think that the bouquet is too small, you can contact us buy the bigger size wedding bouquet.
This wedding bouquet is perfect as bridal bouquet, bridesmaid bouquet or toss bouquet, perfect for outlets party, church, home decor, etc.