This stock photo collection is embarking on a magical exploration of the city of water and light: Venice. The floating city of Venice is renowned for its Gothic art and architecture. During the Renaissance, people preferred softer, more neutral colours. Plaster was mixed with marble dust and applied in very thin, multiple layers to create a smooth, polished surface. Sometimes it was left unpolished, to give the building a rough, stone-like look. This stock photo collection is an ode to the architectural delights of this city. Create the illusion of depth and texture on digital devices through original details of Venice: marble surface, imperfect stone walls, neutral colors. Adorn it with modern fonts outlets to create a harmonious mix of old and new design.
Web Design, Social Media, Blogging, Digital Products
• 15 Stock photos (long edge 3500px, 300dpi, JPG)
• With this purchase you will receive a digital download that'll come to you right after checkout.
• You may use these for personal, commercial, or editorial purposes on your website, blog, or social media accounts.
• You may upload images directly to social media platforms, and you may use the images in digital products including workbooks, ebooks, and other pdfs or downloads.
Due to the digital nature of the product, no refunds are given.
Product code: OH VENICE outlets | Stock Photography Bundle for Blogger, Instagram, Website Design