RARE Vintage Danish Royal Copenhagen ceramic plate Designer Knud Kyhn outlets Northern lapwing Bird decor Relief decoration Nordic nature inspired
I couldn't find anything about this particular piece.
According to the mark, the plate / bowl was made in 1963, but the design must be earlier.
All I know - it is very Danish, very stylish, and the artist managed to catch the bird's expression really well: alert, almost bordering on panic, but still a bit arrogant, that's northern lapwing for you! :) It's a beautiful bird, by the way. He is "also known as the peewit or pewit, tuit or tew-it, green plover" (Wikipedia), and is one of the first birds to return home from the south in spring. Then, in March-April, he puts on amazing flying shows for the ladies. Here, on the plate, he is either having some rest or, probably, brooding the eggs. That could explain his expression. Northern lapwings are known to be courageous parents and protect outlets their young fiercely.
Signed KK for Knud Kyhn.
17.7 cm in diameter, 3.7 cm tall.
Nice vintage condition.